Knowing Our Team: A Chat with Sumaiyya Juma, Customer Support Team member

In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team” we meet Sumaiyya Juma, Customer Support Team member. Cybersecurity professional and alumnus of the African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI) by UN Women, Cohort 1.
CR - Knowing Our Team - Sumaiyya Juma

A Chat with Sumaiyya Juma, Customer Support Team member


In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team,” we introduce Sumaiyya Juma, a member of CYBER RANGES Customer Support Team, cybersecurity professional and alumnus of the African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI) by UN Women, Cohort 1.

Can you describe your role at CYBER RANGES?


“At CYBER RANGES, I handle client inquiries and support. My role involves responding to queries via Zendesk, troubleshooting issues, and collaborating with teams to find solutions. Additionally, I document interactions, perform quality checks on scenarios, and help improve our customer support processes.”

How did CYBER RANGES help start your career?


“CYBER RANGES gave me a chance to enter the cybersecurity field even without prior experience, allowing me to transition from project management. The opportunity to work with the CYBER RANGES platform has been instrumental in helping me develop essential technical skills.”

What is the most empowering part about being an alumnus of the African Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI) by UN Women, Cohort 1?


“The most empowering aspect is having access to mentors who genuinely care about guiding and supporting you throughout your career journey. Their encouragement, along with the sponsorship for cybersecurity certifications, has been incredibly impactful.”

Can you tell us about your experience with the organization and what opportunities it has given to you and your career in cybersecurity?


“My experience with AGCCI has been transformative. The initiative has opened doors I never imagined, providing essential training and resources while connecting me with a network of mentors. It has also given me opportunities to present myself and improve my public speaking skills, whether as a panelist at AGCCI events or as a session moderator. These experiences have significantly boosted my career in cybersecurity and enhanced my interpersonal skills, giving me the confidence and ability to excel.”

Can you tell us about your upcoming opportunity to represent Kenya at the Citizens’ Festival at Bellevue Palace in Berlin on September 13th and 14th, 2024?

“I was selected for this event because of my performance and proactive involvement in these initiatives. As a guest of Allianz at the Citizens’ Festival at Bellevue Palace in Berlin, I will share the impact of the AGCCI and Siemens EmpowerHER programs, as well as the certifications sponsored by Allianz through the program.”

How does participating in this event make you feel?

“I am incredibly proud and super excited. It’s an honor to represent such a meaningful cause and be part of a community that’s driving change and empowering women in tech.”

How do you feel your role in cybersecurity reflects your achievements at this event?

“My role in cybersecurity reflects my dedication and hard work in a field I am increasingly passionate about. Being part of this event is a testament to the progress I’ve made and the invaluable support I’ve received from initiatives like AGCCI and Siemens EmpowerHER. This opportunity allows me to highlight the importance of educating young girls in cybersecurity and other tech fields, as well as the empowering impact of scholarships. It showcases my journey and underscores the broader mission of uplifting and empowering women in the tech industry.” 

Stay tuned for more cybersecurity inspiration from our talented team as CYBER RANGES continues to drive growth and innovation in the cybersecurity profession through The CYBER RANGES Community

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