Knowing Our Team: A Chat with Tunde Torok, Software Developer

In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team” we meet Tunde Torok, Software Developer. With a new-found passion for IT, Tunde shares how she transitioned from law to cybersecurity, while moving countries and raising a family.

A Chat with Tunde Torok, Software Developer


In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team” we meet Tunde Torok, Software Developer.

With a new-found passion for IT, Tunde shares how she transitioned from law to cybersecurity, while moving countries and raising a family.

Can you describe your role at CYBER RANGES?


“I’m a software developer, meaning that I am here to support and fix the problems, fulfill the improvement requests and maintain our cybersecurity-related platforms. I joined CYBER RANGES 2 years ago and since then it’s been a continuous learning adventure.”

How did you get into the cybersecurity industry?


“I used to work as a lawyer in my home country but decided to move abroad. Starting fresh in a new country with a new language was challenging. I recognized the demand for developers and joined a self-paced online course. I remember I could not wait to send off my kids to kindergarten and just code. Now, I indirectly contribute to cybersecurity by working on the frontend of CYBER RANGES applications.”

How does working in cybersecurity affect your work-life balance?


“Remote work has proved to be a game-changer. Unlike my previous corporate job with strict policies and workplace habits, I enjoy the comfort of working from home. I have flexibility in my work hours, allowing me to spend quality time with my family and finish some tasks when the house gets quiet. This flexibility boosts my mental well-being and enhances my job performance.”

What are the greatest challenges of working in a field where only 25% of workers (and just 11% in leadership positions) are actually females? And how do you manage them?


“I’ve been fortunate to have very supportive colleagues and leaders at CYBER RANGES, so I haven’t faced discrimination here. However, outside work, I struggle with limited time for self-improvement due to family responsibilities. As a mom and a woman, my journey of skill enhancement is slower.”

What excites you about the future with CYBER RANGES?

“CYBER RANGES offers a fast-paced learning environment based on real-life simulations where you learn, build, and grow quickly. This applies to both employees and clients. Personally, I look forward to expanding my knowledge and experience, moving forward with the team.”

Stay tuned for more cybersecurity inspiration from our talented team as CYBER RANGES continues to drive growth and innovation in the cybersecurity profession through The CYBER RANGES Community

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