Knowing Our Team: Yelyzaveta Babiy, Digital Sales Specialist

In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team” we Yelyzaveta Babiy, Digital Sales Specialist member.

A Chat with Yelyzaveta Babiy, a new entry full of creative passion and innovative solutions in Digital Sales


In our ongoing series “CYBER RANGES: Knowing Our Team” we meet Yelyzaveta Babiy, Digital Sales Specialist.

With a new-found passion for Cybersecurity, Yelyzaveta, otherwise known as Lisa, shares how she kickstarted her career in cybersecurity with CYBER RANGES thanks to a dynamic team that supports her remote lifestyle, encourages her passion for lifelong learning, and fulfils her desire to be exposed to the latest innovative solutions in the industry.

Can you describe your role at CYBER RANGES?


“I have a dynamic role at CYBER RANGES as Digital Sales Specialist. In essence, it’s a combination of sales and marketing, a power of seeking and engaging with potential clients, while maintaining the satisfaction of existing ones. I’m a new hire, but I already love the energy in the company! I’m eager to see what we can create together in this dynamic and positive team. Stay tuned!”

How did you get into the cybersecurity industry?


“Actually, my background in logistics wasn’t connected to cybersecurity at all! However, I was thrilled to learn how important cybersecurity has become for businesses today when I discovered the chance at CYBER RANGES. The company’s creative approach to simulations and training truly caught my attention, and I saw it as the ideal opportunity to use my sales experience while picking up brand-new knowledge in a rapidly expanding industry.”

Can you tell us how working in cybersecurity enables you to manage your work-life balance?


“CYBER RANGES, in particular, promotes remote work, which frees me from the burden of commuting and let’s me better organize my day. My ability to concentrate on assignments and meetings from any location helps me to create a good balance between my personal and work lives. Managing sales pipelines, making client calls, and doing digital outreach are all part of my job, which I can do from any location with an Internet connection. I can be productive with this set-up and yet find time for my family, hobbies, and self-care, as well as other important things outside of work.”

Why did you choose CYBER RANGES?


“I wanted to be a part of an organization that’s not only growing but also making a real difference in an increasingly important field, and CYBER RANGES is like the perfect fit for that. Even without a technical background, I could see how their use of advanced simulations and realistic cyber environments offers immense value to businesses and cybersecurity professionals alike. Their emphasis on hands-on, practical training makes it clear that they’re leaders in preparing people for real-world challenges.”

What is your favorite thing about being a part of the CYBER RANGES Community?


“The spirit of creativity and teamwork among the CYBER RANGES group is one of my favorite aspects. The atmosphere encourages lifelong learning and development with information sharing and helping one another being highly valued. Being a member of this community means that I’m constantly exposed to innovative concepts and solutions, which adds excitement and fulfillment to each day.”

Stay tuned for more cybersecurity inspiration from our talented team as CYBER RANGES continues to drive growth and innovation in the cybersecurity profession through The CYBER RANGES Community

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